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October 10, 2019 | PIRAMAL FOUNDATION

The Joy of Serving - Mental Health Helpline 104

It is not often when a depressed beneficiary having suicidal thoughts seeks help. Poonam, one of our 104 helpline experts, practices mental health and psychological counselling. She says, talking about her career choice, “ Even though we handle cases involving depression, low self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts, I don’t perceive this as a job as it provides personal satisfaction to me.

In suicidal cases, it is important to be supportive and engage the caller so that they can speak their heart out and feel relaxed. Meanwhile, mobilizing health workers are arranged to reach the location and dissuade the caller from committing suicide. One incident that stands out for Poonam was when a caller in heavy debts called the 104 helpline. She counselled and spoke to him for more than an hour, after which she connected him to his family through a conference call. By providing emotional and psychological support, she saved his life. When asked about the support she receives from her organization Piramal Swasthya, Poonam said, “ Yes! I am privileged to work for an organization that understands both its employees and beneficiaries so well and honours us from time to time.” Talking about the joy of serving she receives from her job, she says, “ At the end of the day, I feel satisfied by counselling people and helping them tackle and beat their mental health issues, which is my joy of serving at 104 helpline of Piramal

We salute Poonam and many others like her who passionately work towards solving and eradicating the problem of mental health issues in India.